Saturday, September 22, 2012

so hey

Sorry I've been gone for a while!
I have just been hanging out...too lazy to really want to do anything.

Um not much has been going on.
Just taking care of my little girls
Who are just as sweet as ever :)

Little A has been going to school for a week now.
no...she's too little.

But really. Everyday from 9-11:30 she goes to preschool!
She has already learned so much, it's crazy.

I'll post a picture soon of the girls going to school together.

Happy very early birthday to me!
I bought myself a ticket to go see (drumroll please).....


                                                          How can you not swoon over him?

It's going to be at Madison Square Garden, which I am stoked to go to.
the only thing that is sort of upsetting is that I will be going alone. I don't know what that is going to be like. But I'm the kind of person who can stand in a crowd all by myself and be totally comfortable.
December 11th!

I bought myself the Lord of the Rings Trilogy :)
Best buy of my life.

Last week was Tolkien week, celebrating 75 years from the publication of The Hobbit.

I'm so excited.

Today is the 22nd of September so...
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Bilbo and Frodooooo
Happy Birthday to you!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

God Bless America.

Can you believe it?

It has been 11 years.

I was 8 years old, sitting in another normal day of 3rd grade.

And the harder I think back on it, the less I can remember, so I called my family to see what they remembered.
My mom and grandma remembered everything about their days. Every detail.
Which helped my sister and I remember little glimpse of our days.

I remember the teacher across the hall, coming into my class...gasping, crying and saying the towers fell.
My teacher Mrs. Price began to cry, gathered herself and we continued.
The only other thing I rememeber must have been that evening or the next day. My family was sitting at the table watching it again. When the towers fell, my grandma put her face in her hands and began to sob.
That's it.
That's all I remember.

I was young. I didn't know what was going on.
But as each year goes by my heart aches more and more for the families affected.
I can't help but weep, now as a young adult, as I understand more and more of what it meant to families and friends.

Being so close to New York, I have decided that I'm going to go and see Ground Zero on Sunday.
It's bittersweet.
I'm excited to go back to New York and see a monument that means so much.
But the terms as to why it's there is heartbreaking.

I am so proud and know I am blessed to live in America.
I have decided in this moment that I will teach American pride and humility to my children.
The flag will be displayed proudly and reverently.

"I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith, hope and love are some good things He gave us
And the greatest is love"

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sometimes I...

Watch the clouds go by.

Listen to one song over and over again.

Crave steak.

Let people into my heart to quickly.

Laugh too much.

Forgive to easily.

Think too much.

Watch the rain.

Get butterflies.

Talk to my pillow pet.


Cry in my car.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

so much love

I love my girls.
I love them I love them I love them.

I was talking to a friend today about them.
And while doing so, I relized how much these girls mean to me.
I would do anything to make them happy and feel proud of themselves.
If I love these little girls this much, and they aren't my own...I can't even begin to fathom how overwhelming my love for my children will be. 

Little A (the 3 year old) and I were coloring and I told her that after I went to the bathroom that we would need to clean up and go upstairs to get ready to pick up MeMe (the 7 year old)

I came out and she was standing outside of the door with the biggest grin and said to me "Kaytlyn, I clean up all by myself so we can go right upstairs"

She cleaned up everything and stacked it up.
I know it's so simple but I was SO proud of her.
I picked her up and swung her around.

MeMe's first day of school was today.
She asked me to make her cinnamon roll pancakes for breakfast.

I got up extra early to make these pancakes for her.
When she came downstairs and saw all the pancakes made and waiting for her, the smile on her face made the less sleep so worth it.
The fact that I could make her so happy by such a small thing, melts my heart.

What a blessing to have this family in my life.


I believe that there is such a things as fate.

I think that technology is crazy in the way that it connects people so quickly.

Southern accents are dreamy.

Pillow Pets are the best at cuddling.

Pinterest never works on my iPhone and it drives me INSANE.

I don't want my girls to go to school.

Little A


Sunday, September 2, 2012

all new.

Would you all please take a second and look at my cute new header?

A friend from high school offered to make it for me and I don't think I could love it any more then I do.
Go and check out her blog here! She is crafty, fashionable and SUPER cute!
Thank you Rachel!

So this weekend was magnificent!
My grandma was able to come to me!

Earlier in the week she had been at the Republican National Convention in Florida (GO ROMNEY)
and she was able to get a flight up to New Jersey!

To say the least, it was tiring.
But we were able to do so many things in so little time!

I just have to first tell you guys about how spectacular my grandma is :)
She has taught me so much and has done tremendous things for my family and I.
I can't even begin to tell you guys how much I love and adore her.

Back to our weekend.

Day 1:
J arrived
In Morristown we went to a cute resturant called Famished Frog. It was pretty darn yummy
We then went to Century 21 for a little bit before they closed
Back to the hotel to veg and watch Romney talk at the convention

Day 2:
Back to Morristown to try and find J's phone (darn that we couldn't ever find it...)
Then we went into New York!
We didn't have a plan so we dilly dallied for a while
J then called up some friends and we went out to eat with them
SO much fun :)
Then Times Square for a bit and then back home

Day 3:
Circle Line cruise which allowed us to see The Statue of Liberty, The Freedom Towers in process, the Brooklyn Bridge (among 20 other bridges) The Yankee Stadium and so on!
We then went and saw Grand Central Station and Rockefeller Center
It was so so SO much walking but totally worth it :)
I found some new places for me to go hang out in whenever I go back :)

Day 4:
After rushing to pack up we went back to Morristown to find something to do before I had to take J to the airport :(
We tried one place but it was closed, so then we literally ran into a National Historical Park
It was a home that George Washington stayed in!
It was really really neat!!

Some pictures, sorry for the long post

The stairs in Time Square

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


To fall asleep with ease each night I have to distract myself..
When the family is here I'm fine sleeping downstairs.

But this week I'm sleeping on the couch with a movie or show on

Tonight I believe that I have made the best of all choices.
The girls are in Disneyland so, why not fall asleep to a Disney classic?

After all...

"A dream is a wish your heart makes,
  When you're fast asleep"

Goodnight lovely.

the future.

I'm going to be with this family for a year.
I know that much is for sure.

And I've been thinking about what I'm going to do with my life.
I am turning 20 in a few months, and I feel like I am further off course than my peers.

I have never ever been good at school.
I am good for the first month or so, but then I get so bored and distracted.
And then once I know that I am in a hole I just give up, because there is no way I can fix it.

If it's something interesting and in constant motion, then I think I could do it.

The first thoughts of this came while watching Lilo and Stich.
I love that movie.

I looked for apartments in Hawaii. Then in Utah.
Then it will I pay for these?
No...a career.

So Kaytlyn, what are you going to do with yourself?

I thought teacher buuuuut...nah...not SUPER appealing.

I always liked the idea of astronomy. I LOVE the stars and space.
But there is so much math that my brain just can't handle.

Now what?!

Well, I'm young. I don't have anyone "tying" me down...

I love to travel.
Since I've been young my family have been big on traveling.

My dad used to work for Southwest so we would fly all the time.
My uncle works for them too so....literally I have been traveling all of my life.

Why not make a living out of it?
Pilot? many buttons! and I don't have perfect vision which I think is required.
So that might be under the "maybe" list.

I've been told that I'm bubbly (hahaha...Lilo and Stitch...bubbly...Mr. Bubbles haha I make myself laugh) and friendly.  My mom has suggested it before, and I think it's a great idea honestly!

*drumrollllllllll* Flight Attendant!

Maybe...just MAYBE I could go to "school" for it too.

I was thinking here

Uhhhh FLORIDA. Yes please.
And they have student housing.
I could find work there I'm sure!
I've worked in a department store before.
Shouldn't be too hard.

My mom's high school friend lives in Florida too.
So I would have a little bit of comfort that I could fall back on.

It's a thought.
I still have literally an entire year before any of this applies to me.

Here's to hoping.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Well gosh..

My first post has been up for about an hour and 30 views already.

I love you too

I hope I'm interesting enough.

Stay tuned

I don't write.

Kaytlyn is my name.
I am 19 years old.
My home is Utah but for now I am a nanny in New Jersey.